IDENTIFICATIVE DATA: In compliance with the reporting obligations contained in article number 10 of the 34/2002 Law of the Society of Information and Electronic Commerce, the following data is exposed:

The proprietary company of“the site” from now and on) is EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A., legally established in Avda. de la Industria Nº50, C.P. 28760, Tres Cantos (Madrid, SPAIN), with C.I.F A78302379, registered in the “Registro Mercantil de Madrid” (Madrid Trade Agency), Volume 1138, sheet 102, section 3, page 70571 (henceforth, EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A). 


In compliance with the provisions of the European General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data, EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A communicates that: I. In accordance with the European General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD 2016/679, of April 27, 2016), “personal data” is understood as "any information concerning identified or identifiable individuals". The personal data provided by you through the website, owned by EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A., will be incorporated into an automated database also owned by EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A., being treated with the utmost confidentiality and used exclusively to provide the services requested by the client. The purpose of this database is the management of the users of the Website, as well as the management of the services offered through this site.

II. Likewise, we inform you and by accepting this Privacy Policy you expressly and unequivocally consent that your personal data be communicated to EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS SA, understanding as such "all those entities or companies that appear in the updated list of companies of the group", with the purpose of facilitating a global control and management of the users of the Website and the consultations made by them, as well as for sending information to them about the products and services offered by each one of these companies -exclusively related to their sector of activity- through different means.

III. You guarantee that the information provided by you is true, accurate, complete and up to date, and you will be held responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that might be caused as a result of breach of such obligation. In the event that the data provided belonged to a third party, you guarantee that you have informed this third party of the aspects contained in this Policy and that you have obtained an express authorization from this third party to provide the data to EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A., for the purposes indicated.

IV. When personal data are collected through the form, it will be necessary for the user/client to fill, at least, those fields marked with an asterisk, since, if these data considered necessary are not provided, EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A. can not process the request. The request for services through on-line consultation forms may be directed or assigned to the companies of the group or that often collaborate with EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A. which offer the required service or which can best meet your request based on their specialization.

V. In response to the concern of Equipos Europeos Electrónicos SA for guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of its data, the required levels of security regarding personal data protection have been adopted and the technical means at the company disposal have been installed to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data provided through

VI. EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRONICOS S.A. uses cookies on its Website, solely for the purpose of optimizing and personalizing your navigation on the Website. EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRONICOS S.A. does not store in its own database any information or personalized profiles regarding browsing preferences.

VII. In order to make use of your rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding your data stored in our database, you can send an e-mail to us, with the reference "Data Protection" to the following address:

Avenida de la Industria Nº.50, C.P. 28760, Tres cantos (Madrid)

When you provide your personal data, you may express your desire NOT receiving electronic commercial communications from EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A. by unchecking the box provided for that purpose. If you do not uncheck the box, and in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, in the event that you do not want to receive our electronic commercial communications in the future you can express this desire through email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A. will pursue the violation of the present terms of use as well as any inappropriate use of its site, taking all the civil and criminal proceedings.

MODIFICATIONS OF THE PRESENT TERMS AND DURATION: EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A. can modify the present terms of use in any moment. The new terms will be properly published in the same way in which these are displayed. The validity of these conditions shall be according to their exposure and are valid until they are modified by other properly published.

APPLICABLE LEGISLATION AND JURIDISTICTION: The relationship between EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A. and the USER will be regulated by Spanish current legislation and any dispute shall be submitted to the courts of the city of Madrid.

©EQUIPOS EUROPEOS ELECTRÓNICOS S.A., Avda. de la Industria Nº50,28760 Tres Cantos- Madrid, SPAIN