→ Edit

Date/Time: Processor RTC clock date/time edit screen. Used for the event timer, -Schedule Task Manager-.

IP Configuration: IP address configuration screen. Allows you to change the IP address and Port of the selected devices. Default Value: IP // Port 1200

Link: Allows you to define the clock mode used by the processor. The activated mode is displayed according to the color of the ALTAIR logo on the Front Panel.

  • Stand Alone: This is the default mode when MAP is working alone. ALTAIR logo on BLUE.
  • Master: Master mode. This mode must be selected when MAP is used as the system's Master clock. ALTAIR logo on BLUE.
  • Slave: Dependent mode. This mode must be selected when the unit is working as a slave to another unit configured as Master, that is, the clock used comes from the -Master- unit. ALTAIR logo on GREEN. 

Password: Using this tab, you can set a password to avoid inappropriate use of the MAP. The key is case-sensitive. Check with ALTAIR to unlock a lost password. Available options:

  • Map-128/1216 Password: In this section you must enter the current MAP password. From the factory the MAP is configured without a password (without writing anything).
  • Map-128/1216 New Password: In this section you must enter the new password that you want to assign to the MAP. Leave blank (do not type anything) if you want to avoid the password request (permanent unlocked).
  • Re-enter New Password : In this section you must re-enter the new password that you want to assign to the MAP. 

Connect: Through this tab you can restart the connection with the MAP. Very useful to avoid having to reload the software in the event of a subsequent start-up of a computer, cable revision, etc.