This RJ-11 6/6 connector allows you to connect up to 32 Altair REM-2 remote control units. This connector provides power as well as a balanced data line in RS485 format under a proprietary command software.

All remote controls must be wired in parallel pin to pin and the circuit distribution can be done in star connection where all the different branches leave the unit or by means of a chain connection, that is, from one continuous remote to the next.

The chain assembly is the most efficient in terms of cabling cost but makes it difficult to locate faults as well as network modifications. The most common is to carry out a mixed assembly. The maximum recommended cable length is 1200 meters.

The pinout from left to right is VCC, DATA+, GND, VCC, DATA-, and GND. The VCC and GND connections are repeated to reduce losses and for redundancy.

The maximum power supply capacity is 500 mA and it is protected against short circuits.

NOTE: See more detailed information in 10. REM-2 (Remote Controls).